
Friday, April 15, 2011

Apathy,It's the Government's Fault

I came across a TED video of Dave Meslin on the Crime Analyst's Blog and I found it very interesting and timely considering our current election fever, or lack there of.   I encourage you to go to the Crime Analyst's Blog and check it out.  In the video Mr. Meslin has uncovered why Canadians are so Apathetic and guess what, it's not our fault. 

Apathy is a huge issue in Canadian electoral politics and one that should be fixed.  The question is how, have you ever watched a parliamentary debate?  Not the stuff of action movies.  There has to be something to make the process more interesting to the general public.  Maybe a musical number?  We've seen our Prime Minister sing and dance, now let's see his cabinet.  Oh ya they tend to do that in front of the media's camera's outside Parliament when explaining their actions, or lack there of, inside.  Ignatiff probably would sing, if he ever showed up for work. 

Our taxes are high, crime is high, health care is at an all time low, social services are struggling, and education has been cut back so much there is almost no need for kids to attend.  What is it going to take for Canadians to care enough to get involved, to say something, to jump up and down stomp their feet and say enough is enough - it's time for a change.

Unfortunately no time soon.  As long as our electoral process remains the same, as long as regions continue to be under represented, and as long as voters feel powerless - Apathy will continue to plague our country.  Will Vote Mobs work? We tried a new party to stew the pot - remember the Reform Party - but that didn't work.  What has to happen for Canadians to feel that their vote matters enough to turn up to the polling station?

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